Monday, December 28, 2009

Birth Family

In August the boys, My Brother Ben, and Sister In Law Sunnie went to California for my cousin Miranda's wedding. The boys did surprisingly well on the trip.

For those of you that dont know (Well most of you do) I was adopted at the age of 3. Back in 2005 I hired a private Investigator who was able to locate my birth Mother Devera Wilkins(Johnson), I then was able to locate my brother by calling 411. Anyway shortly after I went out to Denver for a surprise meeting with my Mom, Brother, Grandpa Willie, and Grandma Mary. I cannot put into words the emotions I felt meeting my family, and discovering where I came from.

My mom was adopted as well. A few years after officially meeting my birth mother, her birth mother found us. Shortly after that we met for Thanksgiving. I was opened up to a world of grandparents, aunts, and cousins.

I feel truly blessed to have met some of my birth family. I still have a father, and 2 little sisters out there, but I am hopeful that one day we will all be reunited.


WOW! Its been awhile since I have done this. Halloween was good. Jaiden was a dragon, Jaxon was a monkey, and Jordon was a lion. They looked so precious.

Thanksgiving was sOoooOOoo yummy as usual. We had our dinner with my family. It was good to get together. My favorite part was my mom's pumpkin cheesecake (Trust me its GOOD!)

I lost one of my dear clients in early December. She had the pnuemonia, & H1N1(Which she gracefully shared with me). I dont deal well with death. I know that she is free of her tired body, and is soaring with the angels, drinking pop, and eating as many hamburgers as she would like.

Christmas came, and went soooo fast. The boys, and I had a blast. This year by far was the best yet, because my kids are finally starting to understand who Santa Claus is. We did however go on our traditional trip to the St. George temple to see the nativity scene. I always want the boys to know the TRUE meaning of Christmas.

The past couple months have been good. Jordon is growing like a tumble weed, he is trying to keep up with his brothers, Jaxon is still my ball of non stop energy, and my Jaiden is enjoying pre-school.

Im doing good as well. The boys, and work have kept me pretty busy for the most part. Im going to try sooo much harder to blog on a regular basis.

Friday, July 31, 2009


So my wonderful sister in law Sunnie bunnie took my Jordon the other day to have his pics taken. He is getting so big as you will see. I know his hair is long, and straight I just dont have the heart to cut it yet. Anyway Sunnie is wonderful, and does SOOOO much for me, and the boys. If anyone is interested in getting their kids pictures taken then she is the Manager at Kiddie Kandids. She does a good job.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I am SO excited today because my Jaiden Aaron got into the Special Ed Pre-School. He starts the end of August, 3 days a week. I am hopeful that he will get the extra boost he needs. He has done better since he had his second set of tubes put in his ears, and his tonsils and adnoids removed.
I drove past MATT the other day, on my way to pick up the boys from childcare. Boy did he get the EVIL eye. I just dont understand how a FATHER can turn his back on his kids. Seriously he doesnt call, write, pay child support NOTHING. Its as if he disappeared from the boys' lives. Im not that hard to deal with. All I ask is that he help SUPPORT his kids. The door has ALWAYS been open for Matt to be involved in their lives, HE has chose to close it. Jaiden has FINALLY stopped talking about Matt. I dont mention Matt's name around the boys anymore. I dont want to confuse them. Jaiden just thinks "Daddy is bye-bye". He is missing out on SOOO many precious moments that he can NEVER get back. Sorry I am ranting, and raving. Oh well boy does he have SURPRISES in store.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Well for starters I must apologize to Linzi for putting my "good" friend on my last blog rather than my "best" friend. Girl You know I LOVE ya. Linzi and I have been bestie's since the 2nd grade. My Achey Breaky Heart days.

Anyway my Little "Jordy" had his 6 month check up yesterday. He is doing SO good. He is already crawling, sits up by himself like a champ, rolls over both ways, and is even trying to stand up. The doctor said he is VERY impressed. It makes me happy, but sad at the same time because he is my LAST baby. Yes LAST Linz. I truly dont think I will have anymore. 3 is enough dont ya think?!

Jaxon Rhys is SOOO sick today poor guy threw up 4 times in 1 hour. So Grandma Kathy was on babysitting duty. Good thing she loves her Grandbabies.

Jaiden Aaron amazes me more, and more everyday. His little mind is luck a sponge. He loves to learn.
I will post pics soon.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Im new at this...

So my good friend Linzi told me that I should start blogging. I have never done this before. I guess I will start from the beginning. I am a single mom to 3 wonderful boys. Jaiden is 3, Jaxon will be 2 next month, and Jordon is 6 months old. Yes I had 3 babies in 3 yrs, NO I am not crazy, YES they all have the same father. I love my kids, and wouldn't trade any of them for the world, I didnt plan on being a single mother it just happened. You cant predict the future, and I never in a million years dreamed I would be doing it alone, but I am and we are doing WONDERFULLY.
I work for TURN Community Services as the Director of Residential Services, and I absolutely LOVE my job. My company works with people who are disabled. Some of our clients live Residentially in our group homes, some live at home with their families, some come to Supported Employment, and some come to our Day Program.
There is SO much more to learn about me. This is just the basics. You will learn more as I get this up, and going.